Commercial Members

ROI logoFRPA defines Commercial as any company or organization, for profit or not-for-profit, which provides products and/or services to the recreation, parks, and/or leisure services profession; OR individuals employed/contract/retained by companies or organizations which provide products and/or services to the recreation, parks, and/or leisure services profession; OR individuals who are self-employed for the purpose of providing products and/or services to the recreation, parks, and/or leisure services profession.

As a Commercial Member, you have access to the FRPA Econnect which is our own online community.  Econnect allows you to contact individual members of FRPA, post discussions, and actively engage in the work of the Association. Additionally, FRPA Commercial members receive early notice of opportunities to connect with the membership via sponsorship of events and the Annual FRPA Conference and Exhibit Show. 

We want you to be more than just a commercial member, we want you to be our partner in advancing the field of parks and recreation.  There are many ways you can make connections, maximize your investment, and yield great returns for your company.  Experience FRPA beyond the membership check by exploring...

Exclusive ADMail marketing opportunities.  ADMail is a way you can reach over 1,000 park and recreation professionals with your marketing message electronically.  ADMail allows us to distribute your marketing piece for you, while honoring our promise to our professional members to not release their email addresses. Commercial Members at every level receive a $50 discount on this opportunity.  Only one ADMail piece is distributed each week, and it is based on a reservation process.  READ MORE or PURCHASE AN ADMAIL.

Exhibit Hall Picture
Exhibit at the Trade Show held in conjunction with the FRPA Annual Conference.  The event is the largest state parks and recreation association conference in the Southeast United States, attracting 1,000 professionals, and over 150 commercial companies.  This is a great opportunity to connect with future customers and begin to build those relationships.

FRPA offers a variety of workshops and training events , as well as golf outings and turf events throughout the year and around the State.  Each offers the opportunity for sponsorship and table top displays.  These events are an excellent way for you to make localized contacts with professionals with whom you may conduct business.  Smaller events than the Annual Conference, the workshops are held in smaller more intimate environments.  Information on sponsoring these events is available in October of each year, or you can always phone the Executive Office for information if needed for your budgeting and planning purposes.

Advertise in one of the FRPA Publications (Directory, Quarterly Journal, Monthly Newsletter or Website)
See why you should advertise in an FRPA Publication. 

For opportunities on how you can advertise at the Annual Conference or become more involved as a Sponsor, visit the Annual Conference page.

Join Today!

Download a Commercial Member Application

EMERALD $400.00 SAPPHIRE $800.00  DIAMOND $1,600.00
• President or designee’s membership
• Each additional membership is only $50 when the company is a member.
• $100 discount on exhibit booth space at Annual Trade Show.
• 2 membership directories/special listing.
• A listing on the FRPA website linked to your web page
• Complimentary listings in the FRPA Career Center for position vacancies.

 • President or designee’s membership
• 2 additional complimentary memberships
• Each additional membership is only $50 when the company is a member.
• $200 discount on exhibit booth space at Annual Trade Show.
• 4 membership directories/special listing.
• A listing on the FRPA website linked to your web page
• Complimentary listings in the FRPA Career Center for position vacancies.
• President or designee’s membership
• 4 additional complimentary memberships
• Each additional membership is only $50 when the company is a member.
• $300 discount on exhibit booth space at Annual Trade Show.
• 6 membership directories/special listing.
• A listing on the FRPA website linked to your web page
• Complimentary listings in the FRPA Career Center for position vacancies. 



FRPA offers commercial vendors opportunities to connect with park and recreation professionals throughout Florida. Our AdMail service is a one-time exclusive email to members that features your company and a link to your product or service offering. There are numerous opportunities to place an ad in publications FRPA produces such as the Conference Onsite program Booklet, Annual Membership Directory, the FRPA Journal, and the Covering the Bases monthly enewsletter. FRPA Commercial Members have direct access to members through our online community, eConnect, where they can post discussions and reply to direct messages. We also offer in person event sponsorship opportunities through various events offered throughout the year. To learn more about any of the above, or explore other opportunities, call the FRPA office at 850-878-3221.