2024 Legislative Items Being Watched


2024 Legislative Priorities


2024 Senate Bills


2024 House Bills



The 2024 Legislative session concluded on schedule.  FRPA and our contractual government representative monitored 32 pieces of legislation this year.  Those proposals either directly impacted parks and recreation, or had an impact that could have eventually impacted the field.

The list below captures some of the legislation we followed.  Most bills died in Committee with a few expiring on the House and Senate calendars in the final days of session.  For those that passed, we have maintained their progress throughout the session with links to the final bills.  Once the Governor has signed the bills you will see a "Chapter" number assigned - this records the bill as law and reflects the language that will be incorporated into state statutes.

As always we encourage you to read the final passage documents and seek the input of your city/county officials on how your agency is specifically impacted.



SB 1774 by Senator Powell - Died in Community Affairs Committee
HB 1477 by Representative Williams - Died in Local Administration, Federal Affairs & Special Districts Subcommittee

Requires functioning automated external defibrillators be located on premises of specified parks & facilities; provides requirements for training & location registration of such defibrillators.



HB 975 by Health and Human Services Committee

Provides qualifications for person seeking certification as person with lived experience; requires continuum of care lead agencies to submit certain information to DCF for purposes of background screening; expands certain background screening requirements to apply to all health care practitioners; revises licensure, registration, or certification requirements for acupuncturists; optometrists; pharmacists; dentists; midwives; speech-language pathologists & audiologists; nursing home administrators; occupational therapists; respiratory therapists; dietitian/nutritionists; practitioners of orthotics, prosthetics, or pedorthics; electrologists; clinical laboratory personnel; medical physicists; genetic counselors; opticians; physical therapists; psychologists & school psychologists; clinical social workers, marriage & family therapists, & mental health counselors.

Status of SB 975

12/20/203 Filed
01/05/2024 Referred to Healthcare Regulation Subcommittee; Referred to Health Care Appropriations Committee;  Referred to Health & Human Services Committee
01/09/2024 Introduced
01/17/2024 Favorable by Healthcare Regulation Subcommittee
02/06/2024 Favorable with CS by Health Care Appropriations Committee
02/07/2024 1st Reading
02/22/2024 Favorable with CS by Health & Human Services Committee; CS Filed; 1st Reading
02/23/2024 Referred to House Calendar; Added to Second Reading Calendar
02/26/2024 Added to Special Order Calendar
02/29/2024 Read 2nd time; Added to Third Reading Calendar; Read 3rd time; CS passed
02/29/2024 In Messages to Senate
03/06/2024 SENATE - Placed on Calendar - 2nd reading; Read 3rd time; CS passed as amendment
03/06/2024 In Messages to House
03/07/2024 Added to Senate messages; CS passed; Ordered engrossed; Ordered enrolled
06/07/2024 Signed by Officers and presented to the Governor
06/14/2024 Signed by Governor Chapter 2024-243



SB 596 by Senator Garcia -  Died in Children, Families, and Elder Affairs Committee
HB 1562 by Representative Powell - Died in Criminal Justice Committee

Requiring child care facility personnel to maintain certification in first aid training and pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures; requiring certain child care facilities to place video recording equipment in certain designated areas; requiring child care facilities to provide in-service cardiopulmonary resuscitation training to child care personnel at least twice a year, etc.

Monitor Closely for impact to parks and recreation, and for additional language added that may adversely affect parks and recreation programs.



HB 123 by Representative Chambliss - Died in Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee
SB 274 by Senator Rodriguez - Died in Messages to House

Citing this act as the "Kareem Angel Green Act"; providing that certain organizations that care for or supervise children must require parents or legal guardians to attest certain information in writing before taking children under their care or supervision to public bathing places or public swimming pools; providing requirements to provide personal floatation equipment for children when such organizations conduct certain activities in public bathing places or public swimming pools.   Providing an exception for children participating in swimming instruction.



SB 608 by Senator Rodriguez - Died in Environment and Natural Resources
HB 163 by Representative Gossett-Seidman - Died in Water Quality, Supply & Treatment Subcommittee

Directing the Department of Environmental Protection to require that, as a condition of permits issued for certain dredging and beach restoration projects, any adverse impact analysis conducted for the activity meet certain requirements; requiring a local government to provide notice of its intent to conduct an analysis to certain adjacent local governments, etc.

Monitor Only at this point.  You may wish to forward to those handling dredging and beach restoration projects in your agency for implications to permitting process.



SB 1638 by Senator Hutson
HB 1417 by Representative Buchanan - Laid on the Table, see CS/SB 1638

Creating, subject to appropriation, the Local Trail Management Grant Program within the Department of Environmental Protection for a specified purpose; requiring the Department of Revenue to distribute, on a monthly basis, a specified percentage of the revenue share payments received under the 2021 gaming compact; creating the Water Quality Work Program within the Department of Environmental Protection.

Status of SB 1638

01/05/2024 Filed
01/10/2024 Referred to Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government; Fiscal Policy Committees
01/24/2024 Favorable by Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government Committee
02/15/2024 Favorable by Fiscal Policy Committee; CS filed
02/20/2024 Placed on Special Order Calendar for 02/22/24; CS by Fiscal Policy read 1st time
02/22/2024 Read 2nd time. Amendment(s) adopted.  Read 3rd time. CS passed as amended. Immediately certified
02/22/2024 In Messages to House
03/01/2024 Bill referred to House Calendar; Bill added to Special Order Calendar for 03/04/2024.  1st Reading (Engrossed 1) 
03/04/2024 Read 2nd time; Placed on 3rd reading; Added to Third Reading Calendar
03/05/2024 Read 3rd time; CS passed.  Ordered enrolled.
04/04/2024 Signed by Officers and Presented to Governor
04/04/2024 Signed by Governor.  Chapter 2024-58



SB 664 by Senator Burgess - Died in Environment and Natural Resources
HB 527 by Representative Maggard - Died in Water Quality, Supply & Treatment Subcommittee

Requiring certain buffer zones for land or water delineations established by a county or municipality to be purchased by the county or municipality; preempting regulation of specified dredge and fill activities to the Department of Environmental Protection; repealing provisions relating to land management review teams, etc.



SB 32 by Senator Garcia - Died in Rules Committee

Mangrove Replanting and Restoration; Requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to adopt rules for mangrove replanting and restoration; providing requirements for the rules, etc.



SB 130 by Senator Berman - Died in Criminal Justice Committee
HB 209 by Representative Rayner - Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee

Prohibits possession or use of a firearm in sensitive locations – defined to include any park, recreational facility or area, or playground owned or controlled by a state, county, or municipality or other governmental entity. 



SB 44 by Senator Stewart - Died in Regulated Industries Committee

Requiring the Florida Building Commission to adopt certain requirements in the Florida Building Code for certain public restroom facilities newly constructed or renovated after a specified date, etc.



HB 321 by Representative Chaney - see CS below
SB 602 by Senator DiCegile - Laid on Table, refer to CS/HB 321

Provides that intentional release of certain balloons is considered littering; revises penalty for such release.

Status of HB 321

11/02/2023 Filed
11/13/2023 Referred to Agriculture, Conservation & Resiliency Subcommittee; Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Referred to Infrastructure Strategies Committee
12/05/2023 Added to agenda for Agriculture, Conservation & Resiliency Subcommittee
12/12/2023 Favorable with CS by Agriculture, Conservation & Resiliency Subcommittee
01/09/2024 1st Reading (Original filed bill); 1st Reading of CS
01/30/2024 Favorable by Criminal Justice Subcommittee
02/08/2024 Favorable by Infrastructure Strategies Committee; Bill released to House Calendar; Added to Second Reading Calendar
02/15/2024  Added to Special Order Calendar
02/15/2024 Read 2nd time; Added to Third Reading Calendar; Read 3rd time; CS passed; In Messages to Senate
02/16/2024 Senate - Referred to Fiscal Policy
02/20/2024 Senate - Received
03/04/2024 Withdrawn from Fiscal Policy; Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading; Substituted for CS/CS/SB 602; Read 2nd time; Amendment adopted; Read 3rd time; CS passed as amended
03/04/2024 In messages to Senate
03/05/2024 Added to Senate Message List; CS passed as amended; Ordered engrossed, then enrolled
06/17/2024 Signed by Officers and Presented to the Governor
06/24/2024 Signed by the Governor Chapter 2024-263




HB 541 by Representative Williams - Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee

Requires law enforcement agencies to notify child care facilities of certain incidents at nearby schools. 



HB 495 by Representative Woodson - Died in Agriculture, Conservation & Resiliency Subcommittee

Prohibits smoking & vaping within boundaries of state parks; requires DOH to post specified signs; provides penalties. 



SB 1058 by Senator Hutson - Laid on Table, refer to CS/CS/HB 7013
HB 7013 by State Affairs Committee ; Ways & Means Committee ; Local Administration, Federal Affairs & Special Districts Subcommittee ; Persons-Mulicka

Special Districts; Prohibiting the creation of new safe neighborhood improvement districts after a date certain; providing term limits for elected members of governing bodies of independent special districts; requiring continuation of independent special districts that levy ad valorem taxes; providing additional criteria for declaring a special district inactive; requiring special districts to establish performance measures to assess performance, etc.

Status of HB 7013

12/13/2023 Filed
12/27/2023 Referred to Ways and Means; State Affairs Committees
01/09/2024 First Reading
01/12/2024 Added to Ways and Means Committee
01/17/2024 Favorable with CS by Ways and Means Committee; Laid on Table; CS filed; 1st Reading
01/18/2024 Referred to State Affairs Committee
01/19/2024 Added to State Affairs Committee Agenda
01/23/2024 Favorable with CS by State Affairs Committee; Laid on Table; CS filed; 1st Reading
01/24/2024 Referred to House Calendar; Added to 2nd Reading Calendar; Added to Special Order Calendar
02/01/2024 Read 2nd time; Read 3rd time; CS passed.  In Messages
02/06/2024 Senate - Received
03/04/2024 Senate - Withdrawn from Rules; Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading; Substituted for CS/SB 1058 ; Read 2nd time 
Amendment adopted; Read 3rd time; CS passed as amended
03/07/2024 Added to Senate Message List;
House - Amendment - Concur; CS passed as amended; Ordered engrossed, then enrolled




SB 544 by Senators Hutson and Berman
HB 581 by Representative Cabrera - Laid on Table - see CS/SB 544

Swimming Lesson Voucher Program; Creating the program within the Department of Health for a specified purpose; requiring the department to contract with and establish a network of swimming lesson vendors to participate in the program; requiring the department to attempt to secure a vendor in each county; specifying eligibility criteria for the program, etc.

Status of SB 544

11/30/2023 Filed
12/05/2023 Referred to Health Policy; Appropriations Committee on Health and Human Services; Fiscal Policy Committees
01/09/2024 Introduced
01/16/2024 CS by Health Policy Committee.  CS by Health Policy read 1st time
01/24/2024 Favorable by Appropriations Committee on Health and Human Services
01/31/2024 Favorable by Fiscal Policy Committee
02/01/2024 Placed on Calendar on 2nd reading
02/08/2024 Placed on Special Order Calendar for 02/14/24 - Amendment Filed
02/14/2024 Read 2nd time.  Amendment(s) adopted.  Read 3rd time.  CS passed as amended
02/14/2024 In Messages to House
03/01/2024 Bill referred to House Calendar; Bill added to Special Order Calendar for 03/04/2024; 1st Reading (Engrossed 1)
03/04/2024 Read 2nd time; Placed on 3rd reading; Added to Third Reading House Calendar
03/05/2024 Read 3rd time; CS passed;  Ordered enrolled
04/02/2024 Signed by Officers and presented to the Governor
04/16/2024 Signed by Governor, Chapter 2024-89



SB 122 by Senator Stewart - Died in Community Affairs Committee

Relating to trees on residential property; 3 repealing s. 163.045, F.S., relating to tree pruning, 4 trimming, or removal on such property. 



SB 1530 by Senator Martin - Laid on Table, refer to CS/CS/HB 1365
HB 1365 by Garrison ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Jacques ; Rudman

Defining the terms “public camping” and “public sleeping”; prohibiting counties and municipalities, respectively, from authorizing or otherwise permitting public sleeping or public camping on public property without a specified permit; authorizing counties and municipalities to designate certain public property for such purpose for a specified time period; requiring the Department of Children and Families to conduct inspections of such property at specified intervals and to produce a report; providing an exemption from certain requirements for a fiscally constrained county or municipality, etc.

Status of HB 1365

01/05/2024 Filed
01/09/2024 First Reading
01/13/2024 Referred to Local Administration, Federal Affairs & Special Districts Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee; Health & Human Services Committee
02/05/2024 CS by Judiciary Committee
01/25/2024 Favorable by Local Administration, Federal Affairs & Special Districts Subcommittee
02/05/2024 Added to Judiciary Committee 
02/07/2024 Favorable by Judiciary Committee - CS Filed
02/08/2024 CS - First Reading
02/09/2024 Referred to Health & Human Services Committee
02/20/2024 Added to Health & Human Services Committee agenda
02/22/2024 Favorable with CS by Health & Human Services Committee
02/23/2024 Laid on Table.  CS filed
02/26/2024 Bill referred to House Calendar.  Added to Special Order Calendar for 2/29/2024.  1st Reading (Committee Substitute 2)
02/29/2024 Read 1st time.  7 amendments failed.  1 amendment passed to make effective date January 1, 2025.  Placed on 3rd Reading.  Added to 3rd reading calendar.
03/01/2024  Read 3rd time;  CS passed as amended
03/01/2024 In Messages to Senate; Referred to Fiscal Policy; Received
03/04/2024 Withdrawn from Senate Fiscal Policy; Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading; Substituted for CS/CS/SB 1530 Read 2nd time; Placed on 3rd reading
03/05/2024 Read 3rd time; CS passed;  In Messages; Ordered enrolled
03/12/2024 Signed by Officers and presented to the Governor
03/20/2024 Signed by Governor - Chapter 2024-11



SB 1538 by Senator Torres - Died in Environment and Natural Resources

Requiring state parks to have a certified lifeguard on duty at designated swimming areas within the park during certain timeframes; requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to install a water rescue station at each designated swimming area; requiring that the staffing for each shift at a fire station include at least one firefighter who is certified in rescue diving, etc.



SB 830 by Senator Collins - Laid on Table, refer to CS/HB 865
HB 865 by Representative Yeagar

Youth Athletic Activities; Requiring an entity that administers or conducts a high-risk youth athletic activity or training related to such activity on certain property to require certain unpaid or volunteer personnel to complete a specified course; requiring such personnel to complete the course within a specified timeframe and annually thereafter; providing that the course may be offered online or in person; revising the requirements for certain athletic coaches to include certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, first aid, and the use of an automatic external defibrillator, etc.

Impact: This proposal is very broad in its definition of "high-risk youth athletic activity".  Training would be approved by the Department of Health, and through an administrative rule clarification would be provided as to what minimum concepts would be required, where training applications would be submitted, etc.  This does not require DOH to provide education, only to approve it.  There is a provision that athletic volunteers/personnel can NOT be charged for the training.  This could impact  training providers.

Status of HB 865

12/13/2023 Filed
12/27/2023 Referred to Healthcare Regulation Subcommittee; Referred to Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Referred to Health & Human Services Committee
01/09/2024 1st Reading
01/22/2024 PCS (Proposed Committee Substitute) added to Healthcare Regulation Subcommittee Agenda
01/24/2024 Favorable with CS by Healthcare Regulation Subcommittee; Laid on Table; CS filed
01/25/2024 CS read 1st time; Original reference to Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee removed; Original reference to Health & Human Services Committee removed.  Referred to PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee; Education & Employment Committee
01/20/2024 Added to PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee Agenda
02/01/2024 Favorable by PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee
02/07/2024 Favorable by Education & Employment Committee; Bill released to House Calendar; Added to Second Reading Calendar
02/27/2024 Added to Special Order Calendar for 03/01/2024
03/01/2024 Read 2nd time; Placed on 3rd reading; Added to Third Reading Calendar
03/04/2024 Read 3rd time; CS passed
03/04/2024 In Messages to Senate.  Referred to Senate Fiscal Policy. Received
03/05/2024 Withdrawn from Fiscal Policy; Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading; Substituted for CS/CS/SB 830 
Read 2nd time; Read 3rd time; CS passed
03/05/2024 House - In Messages.  Ordered enrolled
03/19/2024 Signed by Officers and presented to the Governor
03/22/2024 Signed by Governor Chapter 2024-33